
Photograph via snooOG

The social sciences comprise academic disciplines concerned with the study of the social life of human groups and individuals including anthropology, communication studies, economics, human geography, history, political science, psychology and sociology.

The social sciences comprise academic disciplines concerned with the study of the social life of human groups and individuals including anthropology, communication studies, economics, human geography, history, political science, psychology and sociology.


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What do you predict my preference will be by the time I am 30?

I am a black woman. I have been 19 for a little over a month now. I was raised in, and live in, an area with a very low black population.

My preference has changed a lot over time, which is something I’ve more recently started to think about.

The first crushes I remember having ever had, like when I was preschool-elementary school aged, were on Michael J Fox (when he was Marty in “Back to the Future,” may be more accurate to suggest that I had a crush on Marty mcfly,) and Michael Jackson (my parents had his music videos on DVD. I’ve never liked the way he looked in the 2000s, but I think when I was little I liked the way he looked in the 70s-90s. However, in sixth grade, I remember remarking that I thought 80s Michael Jackson was more attractive than 70s Michael Jackson when chatting with my former best friend, who had the opposite opinion.)

My parents have also always liked to tease about how I “dated” a white boy when I was three, claiming that I liked how blue his eyes were. What I find interesting now that I am an adult is that me liking blue eyes and blonde hair (the combination that I believe the kid I liked when I was three had, though it was much too long ago and I don’t remember how he looked or really anything about him at all,) is something that I’m not sure has entirely gone away.

I say this only because in 11th grade, I was already fascinated by/somewhat attracted to a boy I sat next to in Statistics because of his blue eyes and blonde hair, even though I hadn’t yet seen him without a mask (and when I did see him without a mask, I still liked his appearance. To me, he was a little above average.) There was also a mixed race (1/2 black 1/2 white) boy who was considered to be conventionally attractive by most of the grade who I was very attracted to in 12th grade (fawning over him in the halls kind of attracted, which is rare for me,) and he had both light skin and colored eyes (I no longer remember his eye color, though I’m certain it was blue or green.)

In 4th grade, I had a crush on a Filipino boy who I was no longer attracted to by high school (he was a nice person, though, which was partly why I’d liked him so much.) In 6th grade, I had a crush on a 1/2 white 1/2 Japanese boy (he didn’t look fully phenotypically Asian, but didn’t look “white” either. I don’t know what I thought he was. By the time we were in high school and I was perhaps more familiar with different phenotypes, I could see how he was mixed with Asian. But off the top of my head, he may have looked more similar to a Mexican/Latino person.) In 7th or 8th grade, I was either attracted to or had a crush on an Asian girl (she was not considered above average, she had apparently been teased about her looks in elementary school - she was at a healthy weight, at the time her look worked for me but at some point in high school I saw her again and she was subjectively unattractive to me.)

In 10th grade during quarantine, I started to crush on an older above average looking black man who had been kind to me in 9th grade (in this case, the attraction may have actually been reciprocated.) I also had a crush on an average looking white girl, was overweight (may have been a little below average, I don’t know. I also liked her in 10th grade. I was very lonely and depressed in 10th grade.)

I had a crush on David Bowie throughout all of middle school. I remember listening to his albums “Hunky Dory” alongside “Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.” I loved Jareth from “Labyrinth.” (I was also a big fan of stranger things in middle school, and thought Finn Wolfhard was cute during the second season. I hadn’t really noticed Caleb McLaughlin and found him attractive until I became an adult.)

I will note that I was very attracted to Tim Curry’s Dr Frank N Furter maybe four-five months ago after seeing “rocky horror picture show” for the first time, even though I’m not really attracted to most white men anymore. It was just the energy he exuded.

I had my longest strongest crush on another light skinned mixed race (1/2 black 1/2 white) boy in high school, although he was a bad person. He was slightly above average physically, though he became average by 11th grade and I no longer liked him because he had criticized my appearance behind my back. He had dark brown eyes and I was very into him between 9th-10th grade (crush continued after online schooling had begun,) because I felt he was the only person who noticed my depression, and liked that he wasn’t dismissive of me yet (he later on sort of became dismissive of me after I messed up during a public discussion. I think he’d been curious about me because a friend of his told him I’d been known as smart in middle school.)

In 11th grade, I dated an overweight black boy who I had regarded as average (he was dark skinned. Some may subjectively regard him as a little below average due to the weight and racism, although I remember thinking he had a very common looking face, straight teeth.) I do regret the relationship, he was a bad person. But he was my first sexual experience and this is likely why I know now that if I have another sexual experience, I’d ideally like for it to be with a darker skinned black man (or a Mexican/Latino man, just someone who I suppose has darker skin than the average white man.) It’s strange because before 11th grade I didn’t tend to think sexually about men often, it used to be women but I haven’t felt attraction toward a woman in three years.

I know that I am not attracted to most white men, as someone who lives around a lot of them.

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20:51 UTC


Survey invitation

Hi everyone!

I’m an honours research student doing my thesis project. I am doing research surrounding headlines and how they influence attitudes and perceptions. The link to the survey I’m using to collect data is below, thanks to anyone who has time to participate!! I really appreciate it:) it is a short survey that will take 20-30 minutes!


1 Comment
12:08 UTC


Paid UCLA Research Study - SoCal Area Only

Help us learn more about social connection!

Do you have a schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder diagnosis? Are you between the ages of 25 and 65? Would you like to participate in a paid neuroscience research study at UCLA?

Help us understand relationships between brain activity and social functioning! See a picture of your brain! Individuals enrolled in the study will receive $25/hour for approximately 7.5 hours of participation. We can also cover local transportation expenses.

To determine eligibility and learn more click here or scan the QR code!


Protocol ID: IRB#21-001219 (UCLA IRB)

Click here to learn more about our research lab!

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20:37 UTC


help for school discussion

Got a discussion tomorrow ar school where I´m going to discuss the following:
"What measures can be taken to decrease systemic racism and promote equality and justice for all individuals in society?"

I´m pretty lost, so any help is appreciated.

14:35 UTC


Thorstein Veblen's The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899) — An online reading group discussion on Sunday May 26, open to everyone

01:04 UTC


Submissive aggressive behavior studied during cold war?

Hi guys,

I'm quite far from a sociologist but I do lecture or watch a conference here or there and there was a concept that I wanted to re-explore and I'm finding nothing about it on the internet, making me feel like I'm hallucinating something. I recall it as submissive-agressive(in french: soumis aggressif), from what I recall it has been first exposed and studied during cold wars studies and in my mind it was spot on at explaining funky social behaviors happening in my country.

What is the real name and do you have good references on it? (I read french and english)

21:29 UTC


Fetha Nagast, The Ethiopian Divine Law of The Kings!

19:15 UTC


Oldest artifact references to the Aurora Borealis / Northern lights?

Hi! I'll start out by saying I'm a former high school English teacher in the US and I have an enthusiastic fascination with the cultural importance of storytelling for survival and unity. But I'm by no means and expert so apologies if I don't quite get the terminology right!

Does anybody know about the earliest references to sightings of the northern lights? I was trying to guess what types of artifacts were first used to capture those sightings and that sent me down a theoretical rabbit hole of the most delicious flavor.

Damn, I miss how college and grad school forced me to follow my curiosity regularly and use my critical thinking skills for the joy they brought me. You folks who get to think and create and synthesize and debate for a living are so dang lucky and I envy you.

Anyway, any thoughts or leads on those origins?

02:18 UTC


кто читал "анализ фреймов гофмана" ??

гении социологических наук умоляю вас помогите написать контрольную по социологии🙏🙏 эта книга толстенная, а сроки поджимают.. ни на что особо не надеюсь но мало ли поможет пхах

1 Comment
19:43 UTC


Dark Side History: The Barbary Pirates in the North Atlantic! (16-18th cent.)

20:18 UTC


Economics vs Sociology

Hey everyone! I'm currently a student studying Economics with a keen interest in institutional analysis. Economics, as many of you may know, is rooted in the study of individuals and extends to form societal perspectives based on rational decision-making aimed at maximizing individual well-being. However, I'm curious about the distinction between Economics and Sociology in their approach to understanding society and individuality. While Economics tends to focus on individual behavior and outcomes, Sociology takes a broader view, examining the interplay between individuals and their social environment. I often find the conclusions drawn by Economics to be somewhat incomplete and self-serving. I'm intrigued to explore how Sociology offers alternative perspectives that may provide a more holistic understanding of society and human behavior. As well as graduate programs that can explore the interplay between the social sciences. Thanks!

02:17 UTC


meditation research

Hi guys,

I am currently doing a study on meditation and self-transcendent states for my research project for my bachelor's in psychology.
I am desperately looking for participants who would enjoy helping out with this research and who have experience with meditation practices!
The research will ask a few questions on your pro-sociality and a few questions on self-transcendence.
You can participate via this link: https://psychru.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Pw5hyW6vcNbatM

I would be extremely grateful if you could help me with my research! and if you know more people how meditate feel free to share the link with them!! <3

17:15 UTC


Survey for 18-24 Year Olds Who Do NOT Use E-Cigarettes

URGENT: Need participants who do not use e-cigarettes to participate!

Hi everyone, I'm a current doctoral student at Arizona State University. I'm currently collecting data for my dissertation research and am interested in young adult's attitudes/experiences with vaping as well as if/how they have talked to their parent(s) about vaping. I'm looking for 18-24 year olds who live in the United States to complete a 10-15 minute survey on this topic: https://asu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8f9jBb0P28KN8F0 If you complete the survey, you will also have the option to enter to win one of ten $100 Amazon gift cards.


23:34 UTC


New Purpose for Humans

With AI being favored to do many jobs, that's leaving a vacuum for humans. We likely won't be defined by our jobs anymore, which I think is a good thing. We need to figure out what to do with ourselves not only during this transition, but after AI has become a permanent fixture in our society. What do you think we should start aiming for? I'm a fan of Star Trek, but I would prefer not to be an officer aboard a ship. I don't know what else other people would be doing though. Thoughts?

15:24 UTC


Controversial Opinion: The Paradox of Tolerance and its Issues!

01:20 UTC


Controversial Opinion: The Paradox of Tolerance and its Issues!

01:20 UTC


Please somebody help me

07:40 UTC


[Academic] African American Women’s Shifting Study (US, 18+)

Hi everyone! ✌️

I’m an undergrad student collecting anonymous survey responses for a lab project. I’m looking for participants who are 18 years or older and who identify as an African American woman to anonymously share their shifting behaviors and experiences, as well as to respond to scales assessing race related stress and psychological distress.

The survey will take about ~ 20-25 minutes (at most) to complete. This study will contribute to a research project by the multicultural psychology lab at the University of La Verne. Study results will be published!! You may participate if you are currently residing in the U.S. and identify as an African American woman.

Here's the link to complete the survey: https://laverne.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cwJhWGPWCriQpL0

Thank you so much for your help!! 🙌

IRB Protocol #2024-24-CHCW for the College of Health and Community Well-Being at the University of La Verne

20:31 UTC


Good social science universities in Europe.

Hello dear redditers,

I am currently applying for different sociology masters in Europe and thought it would be interesting in getting some experiences from reddit. Other than the obvious british universities, which european universities excel in social science research and education?

10:39 UTC

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