
Photograph via snooOG

A place for anyone to ask questions about vasectomies and share their experiences. If you're looking for support (or a recommendation for a supportive underwear), we're here for you.

Thinking about having this procedure done? Get over here, post. We who have braved the knife will tell you all about it, what to expect, and how swollen your balls are gonna get!

Please don't soapbox about why other people need to follow your religious creedo on vasectomies, and/or please take your men's rights activism elsewhere.

If you want to discuss side effects of vasectomy, or PVPS (post vasectomy pain syndrome), please use citations - no conjecture. Please report any comments making claims about side effects that do not include a legitimate citation. This will be enforced.

Please make sure you are familiar with our rules before posting or commenting. Rules will be strictly enforced.


Current recommendations by the American Urologic Association

If on younger side, supportive doctor list from /r/childfree


16,397 Subscribers


4 days post op with no pain??

I had my op done Friday morning and haven’t had almost any pain at all, anyone else have no pain or is it yet to come? I got 2-3 numbing shots in each nut which was a 7/10 on the pain scale and the actual op didn’t hurt other than a couple seconds when im guessing they were cutting. I wasn’t feeling pain otw home but i took some norcos bc i was expecting the pain to hit me ina few hrs and i didn’t feel any pain all day other than when i reposition my nuts. The last four days i have been playing and picking up my two babies, ive taken a shower 2 times, and been able to do hella things i wasnt expecting to be able to do with no pain from actually being physical. Am i just lucky or could the pain be otw?

1 Comment
00:50 UTC


Sore where vas was cut?

I’m a week out of the snip and sore where I’m pretty sure the vas was snipped.

For some reason this never seems to get attention in the threads though…like they cut a vessel in half so it seems like a no brainer it would be tender for a while there but every time I look up something around it being painful where they actually snipped all I find is stuff on granulomas…

Anyone else feel some real soreness for over a week in where the vas got cut in two?

21:50 UTC


PVPS 4 years

I have zero regrets from my vasectomy but here are the facts. I’ve had relatively mild ongoing symptoms of pvps for four years. Dull ache after ejaculation and sex, discomfort from sudden movements or speed bumps etc. at an all time high the pain would be at a four. It’s a very located ache seemingly at the site of tying the vas. It’s not enough for me to seek a reversal but possibly a nerve operation is due. Any similar stories here?

20:40 UTC


Day 6. Significant pain.

I was doing well over the weekend and may have made a mistake yesterday afternoon and masturbated. There was some blood with the first pump (expected). Over the next 24 hours pain increased. Still fairly swollen, but no more than before.

I admittedly didn't take it as easy as I should have the first two days.

Anyone recommendations?

Anyone ejaculate early with complications?

When did your swelling go down?

20:06 UTC


Test levels

Hey all, I’m thinking about cutting the cord as my wife is pregnant with our third baby and I really don’t want to wrap it up once she’s back to full health (c-section). I’m willing to do the surgery but I’m also curious what are the side effects with overall test levels. I’ve been lifting in bodybuilding style now for over ten years and have always been a little mindful on test levels and being the most optimal I can be. Are there many of you that have had your levels killed because of the surgery? And what do they do if that were to happen? Do you hop on TRT? Thank you for your input.

19:12 UTC



Just finished my vasectomy 45 min ago. Honestly the procedure wasn't that bad as long as you're distracted. For me, the doctor and I were just having a conversation about life and work and he did a pretty good job at keeping my mind off the fact that my balls were in his hands. There was no pain other than the part where he put the anesthetic shots in my nuts. Even that wasn't really painful it was more just really uncomfortable.

Pray for me that my recovery goes well, feeling hella anxious thinking about the next week or two 🙏🏼

also the anesthetic made me feel high as hell and i was not expecting that. i still can't feel my tongue as i write this post lol

18:09 UTC


Changes after

After my vasectomy, I have noticed my desire for sex has increased like crazy.... I thought it would have been a lil different or the same , what gives ?

17:59 UTC


Update: Vasectomy done followed by a 6 hour drive home (+ 5 days)


So it seems the 6 hour drive had no adverse effects. I have been wearing a jockstrap 24 hours a day and icing constantly while I am awake, 20 minutes on 20 minutes off. I have had no pain or aching thus far. There was a little swelling the first few days however that also has reduced. I've been taking 400mg ibuprofen 3 times a day. There is a small bruise where the penis meet the testicles on the right side. I knocked my right testicle yesterday and it's been slightly more tender than usual. I can stand up, walk around, cook, do light housework without any issues.

Tomorrow I'll be walking 1km and back for a meeting and I'm hoping that will not cause any aggravation.

16:04 UTC


Billing Timeline?

I'm sure this will depend on where you got the procedure done, but I wasn't sure if my health insurance would cover it, especially I've put $0 towards my deductible. I was just anticipating on paying the full cost.

On the initial consultation I gave them my insurance info. Had the procedure last week and when I left I asked about billing/cost/payment and they looked at me like I had 5 heads and just said I had no co-payment.

At what point would I expect something in the mail or in their health portal? I can call but that usually just goes in circles.

13:38 UTC


Sperm Granuloma

I had a lump directly UNDER my “sack like the flat part or taint area. I’m sorry I don’t know the technical terminology, and I want to make sure its location is clear. I noticed the lump and thought it might be a pimple so I tried to squeeze it. And it got inflamed and larger. At first I thought it could be an enlarged lymph node or cyst, but I believe it’s too low for a lymph node. Then I googled lumps after vasectomy and see a lot of information on granuloma. Most people make it seem like it’s in the actual sack. But I think there are tubes under the area I’m experiencing the lump in. Has anyone had a lump in that area?

03:52 UTC


5 years post vasectomy

I (38M) had a vasectomy about 5 years ago in August 2018. In November of 2018 I successfully returned a negative sperm sample. Just today my “wife” (separated but living together for financial reasons and still legally married. It sucks, I know.) told me she might be pregnant. We have had sex, but I also overheard her talking to a friend about someone she had slept with. Long story short, what are the chances that my vasectomy failed after having a negative sample? I haven’t told her I heard her conversation because I honestly don’t care anymore, I’m just not getting dragged into something that I’m pretty sure isn’t my issue. I know this whole thing is a goddamn mess, just try to focus on the vasectomy issue here. Thanks.

22:03 UTC


Just got cleared, after only getting one tube cut!

Hey yall,

In February, I got my vasectomy. I was originally supposed to have it done in November last year, but the day of the surgery, the doc at PP couldn’t find my right vas deferens. I was then forwarded to a urologist. During my consultation, the urologist still couldn’t find my vas deferens on my right side so he wanted me to get an X-ray, just because he said this is SUPER rare and there’s a small chance I could be missing a kidney on my right side (I was all good).

After my x-ray, we went ahead and just did the vasectomy on my left vas.

Just got my results about 10 mins ago, I was nervous that my right vas deferens was too small, which would mean it would be a much more difficult procedure. BUT IM ALL CLEAR!!!!!! Woohoo.

Feels amazing, I’m curious if anyone else had this rare scenario as well?!

20:38 UTC


How to help stitches dissolve faster?

Got either one or two stitches for each incision, and they are pretty bothersome as the ends are somewhat long. I could try to trim the long ends, but I'm wondering what others may have tried or have done for them to not be a source of discomfort.

Edit: I meant to say "trim the ends" and not to "cut the stitches down". I was vocabulary challenged last night.

07:15 UTC


Day 10: Ouch

Waited until day 7 to, you know. It had actually been a while before the procedure as well, so I wasn’t sure how much of the ache was due to me being backed up.

A little blood, but felt a lot of relief after. The next morning hurt more, though. And after cleaning the pipes that night, the next morning (yesterday) was pretty rough.. carrying through to today.

I have a tennis match in two days I was hoping to play, but I think I need to postpone. The bruising has come down and one of the stitches has fallen out (naturally), but I feel a lot of ache in my upper pelvis.. sort of halfway between my knob and belly button, on both sides.

I was reading a bit the other day that it can take months to get back to normal, and I don’t love to read that. Been taking Tylenol when it gets bad… guess I’ll start icing again.

How long did you have pain, and would you consider yourself an outlier?

00:12 UTC


Post-vasectomy subject here. With a Lot of questions.

Hey guys. Just had the procedure done 9 days ago AND with a lot to ask.

First 5 days were fine AND dandy. Almost no pain! Mild but bearable. Went to the Dr. AND said everything was OK AND to keep taking my ibuprofens.

But... After the 7th day started experiencing constant pain . I notice it diminish if I lay down on sleep position or use a slip that tends to keep the balls Lot More "packed" . Called my Dr. and went over the Next day. Then prescribed AND antibiótic (floxacin), does this mean I may have an infectión?

Also... why did the pain started a week Into the procedure and not before?

Any similar experiences? Thanks for reading.

23:23 UTC


Lower abdominal and ball pain after masturbation

Hi all. I had a pretty rough recovery after the snip at the end of December 2023. Happy to say I'm fully recovered, or at least I thought I was in the clear. Every once in the while when I masturbate I get extremly sensitive balls and a dull lower abdominal pain. I have sex with my wife 4 or so times a week and we do a lot of foreplay throughout the week and I'm fine on these occasions. It would seem every 1/10 solo sessions I get these symptoms which last the rest of the day and occasionally the next day although not as painful.

Has anyone else suffered with this?

20:22 UTC


Pain question

Since I'm not sure where else to ask, regardless of whether or not you have a vasectomy, does anyone else experience that getting an erection the same day that you have masterbated feels somewhat painful?

20:05 UTC


Incision scars

About a month and a half post surgery I feel completely normal, except for a small pimple sized lump of scar tissue at each incision point. If I press there it has a small amount of pain, also about like the pain of pressing on a pimple.

Any tips on how to break up that scar tissue over time?

12:54 UTC


Few differences after vasectomy

Hi, all! I wanted to share a few things that has happened since my vasectomy I had 2 weeks ago and wanted to hear your thoughts on the normalcy of these things or if any of these are a cause for concern.

Before I begin, I should probably provide more context on the vasectomy itself. If you don't care to read the background, feel free to scroll to the numbered differences below.


Vasectomy Procedure

For the vasectomy, I had a no-needle, open-ended vasectomy with cautery, fascial interposition, and absorbable sutures for the upper vas. I initially had 2 sprays of the hypospray injection in the central spot at which the 1 hole was made with the forceps (with adjusting the vas over the central spot for each spray). However, apparently, I am more sensitive down there and required 2 additional sprays due to pain that occurred during the procedure. This was very noticeable when the 1st (left) vas was snipped.

After Vasectomy

After the vasectomy, I had zero pain since the procedure, though I did have noticeable discomfort/tenderness for about 1 week after the procedure. After that, there was still some tenderness, but it was significantly less noticeable. Currently, there is no tenderness unless I touch in certain spots down there (which I am very gentle about since I know it's not good to mess around with that kind of stuff).

Noticeable Differences

Here are the noticeable differences I found after the vasectomy:

  1. The left testicle is hangs significantly lower than the right testicle. I can't say for certain, but I believe the right testicle is the one whose height has changed to be higher on average. Also, for those who might say that perhaps I did not notice the difference before, I have inspected my testicles for years to ensure no lumps, and I am certain that there was a change after the vasectomy.
  2. My semen is significantly more liquid/less thick after the vasectomy. This is not too surprising as this can probably be accounted for with the lack of sperm in the semen, even if it does not make up the majority of the contents of the semen.
  3. I can masturbate and have orgasms multiple times in a row. Previously, it would be very rare for me to be able to have a 2nd orgasm that soon after an initial one. I would have to wait at least 20-30 minutes at minimum on average. Now, my recovery period is quite fast at about 1-3 minutes, and it is not difficult for me to have 2 in a row (sometimes 3 but a lot rarer).

Primary concern

My main concern is 1 from the differences section as I am unsure if it is indicative of something negative or not. The latter 2 points do not seem as concerning to me. When I reached out to the doctor who performed my vasectomy, he said that number 1 did not seem concerning to him. I am going to see if I can schedule an appointment at my normal doctor's office just to have a 2nd opinion, but I would really be interested in what you all think of the matter.

TL;DR: After my vasectomy, my left testicle hangs significantly lower than my right testicle (certain this was not the case before), my semen is cantly more liquid/less thick, and it isn't difficult to have multiple orgasms in a row. Is this okay (particularly the testicle one)?

08:48 UTC


5 day post vasectomy pain

I had a vasectomy on Monday the 6th, it took about 3 times as long as the doc told me it would, I have probably 3 times the amount of lidocaine shots than normal, he found the first vasectomy no problem, but had to poke, prod, dig, to look for the second and ended up make 2 extra incisions to find it. When he did find it, there was a very strong “tug” (more so a rip) on something down there from the doc and pain went from my balls up into my chest and down into my knees for a second, he didn’t mention anything afterwards.

5 days later my balls are still very very tender, I’m a heavier guy so when my legs are together my balls sit forward, which makes them constantly in contact with my legs, walking is still very uncomfortable, and my scrotum burns. It’s all manageable but it’s very uncomfortable and annoying.

Is this normal? Has anyone experienced something similar, what was the end result? Am I rushing the healing process in my head? I was told 2-3 days

05:55 UTC


How many times did you bust before sperm test and it say empty?

04:13 UTC


what is it like after getting a vasectomy?

so i have a few questions about it before i go doing it. i will mostl likley talk to a doctor about it but i still i wanna know things from guys who have gotten one.

what is the ejaculation like after words?

are u able to keep it hard after ejaculation?

how do i know the sperm has finsihed being washed out does differennt stuff come out?

when completly washed out of sperm is that it can u just never have kids?

02:59 UTC


1 month after vasectomy

I ended up having a hematoma, my balls grew to the size of an orange about a week after procedure. It didn’t hurt too bad but was unpleasant. The bruising was pretty intense on them.

Happy to say they have shrunk but unfortunately are still larger than normal. Hoping they eventually return to normal. The only pain occurs when I catch them between my legs and they are still tender. Overall it isn’t too bad— but fairly annoying.

I have returned to the gym with lifting and some very light cardio/walking. Haven’t done any heavy squatting or deadlifts yet.

My biggest regret was not taking it super duper easy that first week… with two kids I had to help around the house a lot which really aggravated it I think. If you get it done I can’t stress enough— don’t do anything for many days— just sit and relax— don’t be like me.

Tight fitting underwear and jockstraps are god sends after the procedure.

01:36 UTC


Pain in left testicle all of a sudden

Been good for 3 months no pain and today all of a sudden severe pain at the bottom of my left testicle no idea why anyone experience this ?

00:30 UTC


1 Week Post Op - No Cut + Cauterized - Rough Ride

First of all, congrats to everyone who felt nothing during the op. I almost kneed the poor doc in the face, and certainly scared a few poor fellas out in the hallway. Hurt like an absolute motherfucker. Last October I had my appendix taken out, and I'd say the 5 minutes on the table were easily on par with the worst of that. I know most men feel very little, but I want y'all to also know it can hurt.

Post op treatment: ice bag, rest, nutritious foods, ibuprofen (I know it is often not recommended, but I followed the advice of my doc.) I'm furloughed, so I was able to focus entirely on rest and recovery.

I toss and turn a lot in my sleep, so I used a wedge pillow to keep myself still at night. It's not ideal as I'd rather have the wounded area at least level with the rest of my body, but it was a compromise I had to make.

My fridge has a button that you can push to make ice faster, yours might too. Used a refillable sports ice bag with a screw on cap. Gel packs did not work as well. Thawed fast.

Jock strap: I was glad to have one. Make sure it's the right size, and wear it under or over your undies, or just by itself. Offers a lot of relief vs. freeballing it.

Day of, day 2, and day 3 were pretty comfy, very mild discomfort. Did light chores, nothing heavy. Sweep, dishes, etc.

Day 4 was more uncomfortable, made sure to ice and rest more diligently. Started to see a small hematoma on one side near the base of the shaft. About the size of a quarter, slightly distended, maybe 3mm. I concentrated my icing closer to that location. Made an appointment for follow-up that would have been on day 13, with plans to swing by an urgent care if symptoms worsened.

Days 5 & 6 were downright awful. Lots of ice and twisting my body trying to get it to calm down. Very little helped. Hematoma seemed to be shrinking. Chest had been tightening, it turned out to be caffeine withdrawal - I had stopped intake to facilitate better rest, but that backfired. The chest tightness dissovled upon resuming consumption.

Days 7 & 8 have been almost no pain at all, just very mild discomfort. Hematoma is now just a dark bruise, no longer distended in any visible way. If recovery continues like this, I may cancel the follow-up. Still being diligent on icing. No painkillers. I'm being slightly more active, light chores. Wife is doing the heavy lifting: groceries, trash, and animal feed bags. Did a test run, my rifle still works. No pain from the firing, and there was some dark old blood from the operation.

So far: It SUCKED. I'm still glad I've gotten it done. Being furloughed was a great opportunity for it, and I live in a place with fewer family planning options. It's only pain, and it's more than a fair price to pay to live my life as I want to. I feel like a lot of pre and post info was missing for me that the doc should have covered. Didn't get so much as a pamphlet. There's been a lot of discomfort, but that seems mostly resolved. I will update if that changes. I'll be easing up on the caffeine in the long run, and slowly working in more activity.

Happy to answer any questions.

23:25 UTC


2 weeks since snip - UK. Bloated and feeling the need to fart reguarly - anyone else get this?

2 weeks ago got the snip. The procedure itself was a doddle, and am happy to chat through that more if folks would like to hear the tale of my tackle tribulations.

One thing that is weird though. I feel like I'm bloated and constantly / regularly needing to fart, mixed with slight abdominal ache (akin to a slight kick in the right nut). I've googled of course, and am not overly concerned - just wondered if anyone else had this?

I've held off exercise (gym/running) for the past 2 weeks as per the standard advice from the docs, and per this think I need to give it another week off. Just really want to get back to it as the lack of endorphins via exercise is doing my nut in.

21:21 UTC


Vasectomy and single

Had mine eleven years before I married for the first time (Had it done when I was 20). After we split, and she passed away, I was single for about 7 years before I met the woman of my dreams and we are still together.

I was not a recluse. I dated during my "off years".

I was very open about my vasectomy. Women of the type I usually dated where OK with it. Almost all of them did not have children.

I usually dated the free spirited, spiritual, but not religious type. You know the ones with nicknames like "Harmony" (not their real name).

For whatever reason they usually had parents that were very conservative Christian types. I guess I was their worst nightmare.

That made for some difficult situations, and comments like, "She's 27, her clock is ticking", or "Well, at least you have a job".

Any experiences with parents?

And no it was not ME that opened my mouth to the parents. It was usually my date, or the sibling she confided in.

Edit: If you found yourself in such a situation, did you say something funny that changed the mood?

21:16 UTC


Vasectomy at 22 AMA

Procedure done a more than a month ago. Test done yesterday, no sperm except 2 non-swimmers. AMA :]

19:44 UTC


One month later

I had my vasectomy about 3-4 weeks ago and the incision still hasn’t healed fully. It’s still sore to the touch and scabbed over. My balls are also still so sensitive, I’ve been looking forward to getting back to the gym to run on the treadmill but I’m worried they’ll bounce around too much and cause pain. Is this normal, do I need to keep icing, or should I contact my urologist?

19:38 UTC

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