Memes about Kirby.
This sub is for memes about Kirby. Check out /r/NintendoMemes for memes about other franchises.
1.Only memes. All submissions must be links to images, all submissions that don't link to i.redd.it or an image hosting site (such as Imgur) will be removed.
2.Kirby related content only. Anything else will be removed.
3.Original content or give credit. Please do not steal someone else’s work. If you are going to post something someone else made, give credit. Reposts (memes that have already been posted in this subreddit) are not allowed, period.
4.No discrimination, harassment or abuse. Violators will be banned.
5.Follow site-wide rules.
Kirby troll face is from here, none of these images are used with permission, copyright infringement is not intended. Big thanks to u/SolariaHues from r/BannerRequest for this sub’s banner.
This sub is for memes only, anything else Kirby related can go to r/Kirby
This subreddit is for KIRBY memes only, other memes can go to other meme subreddits.
An evil piece of sentient jewelry that contains the soul of an evil being that corrupts the heart of its wearer while also giving them power and forever changing them in the process? Being worn by a person known for their powerful magical abilities and deceptive nature? It’s more likely than you think.
Sauron art by Kapriss on Deviantart
Kirby Fortnite
Kirby noooooooooo