Funny things related to Guild Wars 2
This is where the r/GuildWars2 community can come to vent with their memes, ragecomics, funny stories, and goofy looking characters! Have fun, don't be a dredge-hole, and most of all make people laugh!
As long as it is a post intended to be related to GW2 you're good. No porn. No Spam. No trying to sell stuff. Memes are fine.
If you submit a new post and it hasn't appeared on /new within 10-20 minutes then send a mod message and we will pull it out of spam for you. Thanks! ~~saltr
Happened on one of my Caudecus Manor solo runs. Logan's gonna be crushed.
Secrets of the obscure
Froggo got Bamboozled!
Bladeboi go brrr...!