A subreddit for posting things that break rule 1 of r/COMEDY
A subreddit for posting things that break rule 1 of r/COMEDY
No memes.
NAH, there's no rule 1
Memes are not comedy, even if they are funny.
Low quality posts and titles will be removed.
NAH, I don't think we care so much here
Low quality titles such as "Check this out", "Look at this funny video", "Downvote me please", etc. will be removed. Cringe-worthy posts may be also removed.
No spam.
Repeatedly reposting content is not allowed.
No self promotion.
Posting your own content to r/comedy isn't permitted whatsoever. You must contact a mod if you would like to post something that is self-promotion. Pictures and GIFs are fine though, but no self promotion of YouTube videos. Avoid using overly promotive titles such as "Check out this guy's channel", "Subscribe to this channel", etc. even if you are not promoting your own content.
No NSFW/Gore is allowed on this sub whatsoever.
No posting garbage. Vine compilations, try not to laugh videos, clickbait content, meme compilations, articles on non-comedic or non-satirical news fall under this rule.
NEH, we can post trash memes here
Don't harass other users.
PLEASE NOTE: URL shortener links are automatically removed, as they are often used to bypass spam filters and it makes moderation more difficult. However, site-specific short URLs such as youtu.be (Short YouTube URL) are okay.
Check your link before submitting. Make sure it does not lead to an error 404 page, content that is set to private, etc.
Our other subreddits:
We periodically change the cursor to seasonal themes. Credits to FLATICON for cursor images.
Let us know if you want to be part of a project that's starting to get noticed for its humour and unique take on some current events
I'm part of a small team of people who have started a satirical meme laughing at crypto twitter and also the financial influencer type who market themselves there. there is more to it than that so why not head along to TradfibroCFA on X and join our telegram group. We are starting to get notice and want a bigger army of meme creators to really get traction.
I make comdey videos with my family acting
I'm sorry if someone else already asked this
♡ Chuck 🐧
This old fable