
Photograph via snooOG

Important announcements, helpful tips, and discussion regarding AutoModerator.

What is AutoModerator?

AutoModerator is a highly customizable moderation bot. It monitors new and edited submissions and comments in your subreddit and acts on them as needed.

What can AutoModerator do?

AutoModerator is commonly used to:

  • Enforce title formatting and other subreddit-specific posting rules
  • Detect and flag offensive, inappropriate, or rule-breaking content based on keywords/phrases
  • Automatically remove posts from specific users and/or websites from your subreddit
  • Post regular community discussion threads
  • Alert subreddit moderators if certain types of content are posted
  • And much more!


AutoModerator does not remove or report content by moderators by default, so test your conditions with a non-moderator account or add "moderators_exempt: false"

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16,926 Subscribers


Is there a way to make it so that the automod will remove all posts by authors that don't satisfy the posting requirements except for a list of users?

In the subreddit I moderate, the following lines remove posts that do not satisfy the posting requirements, and hold them for manual approval:

    account_age: < 90 days
    combined_karma: < 400
    satisfy_any_threshold: true
type: submission
action: remove 
action_reason: Potential Bot Activity
comment: [instructions on how to get post reapproved]

However, sometimes users with a new accounts post frequently, having to go through the reapproval process every single time. Thus, I would like to make it so that I can exempt a list of specific accounts from such autoremovals. Is this possible to implement?

01:17 UTC


How to setup AutoModerator for my subreddit?

I started my subreddit on r/CinnamorollClub almost three years ago and I gotten really good at so far. But Iā€™m having a hard time figuring out how does it work. Also, to keep my subreddit friendly and clean without any violation. Plus, I do need a moderator for my subreddit if you are interested. Thank you

23:00 UTC


Low karma comment removal

I was hoping If someone could help me, or if it was possible.

But, I'd like to remove comments with less than 300 karma, but allow low karma if they are the OP of the post.

Is this possible?

I am using the following below.

type: comment author: combined_karma: "< 300" message: "Your comment was removed due to low karma" action: remove action_reason: "Comment by a user with low karma"

10:08 UTC


Can I use a placeholder for post flairs in automod comments?

I have an automod rule to make a comment on every new post with the title post and body, I also want to include the post flair

05:33 UTC


I don't want to sound like a broken record but i need title formatting

I've never used regex before and have been searching for a way to require the title be "title [sex] (artist).

This is what i tried using but i don't know if it works or not

--- # AutoMod Rule for Title Format Enforcement

moderators_exempt: false

type: submission title (regex, full-exact): '#\w+ \[#\w+]\ \(#\w+)\'

action: remove

action_reason: "Rule 4: Post does not comply with required title format." comment: | Your post has been removed because the title does not follow the required format. Please use the format Title [Sex] (Artist) for your title. If you believe this removal is a mistake, please contact the moderators.

15:22 UTC


How to block incoming cross-posts?

Members of one subreddit have mistaken the purpose of my subreddit, and are cross-posting posts from their subreddit into my subreddit. I've now banned four users in the past month, but the cross-posts keep coming.

I've tried setting up an AutoMod condition to remove these cross-posts, but it's not matching them:

type: submission

domain+title+body: ["OtherSubreddit"]

action: remove

Can someone please help? What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this code to identify and remove cross-posts from this other subreddit?

13:42 UTC


Is there a way to make removal reasons messages to the user instead of actual comments?

Just cuz the visual comments from AutoMod clutter up threads so am just trying to fix that. Thanks.

13:39 UTC


Is there a way to check if a word is within spoiler tags, and if it isn't, remove it? Also, what about broken tags?

We're a story-heavy gaming sub, and we'd like to remove a comment if it isn't spoiler tagged properly, either not within one or broken tags. Is that even possible?

16:40 UTC


Request: Auto remove titles with non-alphanumeric and numeric words? "R3x", "R*x", "R@x" etc

Can do title type "I have 53X" = remove. And "I have 53 years" = pass/ok


English is not my native language

12:11 UTC


How to create a message after every published post in my subreddit?

I want to create a short message + a few links on best posts. How to do it?

08:59 UTC


Why is automoderator applying two rules, when only one condition was met at the beginning

I don't understand this part of the automoderator: I have two different rules with different conditions, but they are executed immediately together because the first rule makes it so that the condition of the second rule is met:

Rule 1
If author makes submission= set userflair to A

Rule 2
If author makes submission AND HAS userflair A= set userflair to B

Now when OP makes his submission, the userflair gets set to B immediately (in the first post). But i need that the userflair is set to A in the first post, and when OP makes another post it's supposed to be set to B.

Does anyone have an idea?

I tried using "is_edited: false" in the second rule, but that killed it. I tried putting rule 2 at the top or at the bottom of the Automoderator, but that didn't solve it yet.

08:33 UTC


Hello! I need code that automatically removes posts with "banned words". (Bonus: would it be possible to ban users via automoderator?)

My subreddit is focused entirely on text, and it would be very convenient to ban more than just the 15 words that are standard on Reddit.

Thank you for your attention!

06:54 UTC


Request: Auto remove comments without a specific keyword?

Is this possible? Keywords like "GGK", "INFO", or "LKG" (if either of this keywords are used, it will not be removed). We just want the comments to have this specific keyword in their comment response so it wont go off topic.

1 Comment
06:11 UTC


Can I have a 1st rule apply flair and then a 2nd rule match on that flair?

  1. match keyword
  2. set flair + 1 report
  3. match flair + 1 report
  4. approve or remove (depending on other matchers)
23:56 UTC


Remove only "non text submissions" matching keywords, possible?

I see you cannot check for multiple types.

I have an array of keywords to remove when they are NOT a text submission.

I don't want to have to duplicate this array for every other submission type (ie post, gallery, etc).

All text submissions should be approved when they have any of these keywords, all other types removed.

How can I accomplish this?

13:37 UTC


Contributor quality not working?

I'm attempting to use the following rule with automod:

is_edited: true
~body#1 (regex, full-exact): ".{0,300}"
    comment_subreddit_karma: > 11
    contributor_quality: > low
    satisfy_any_threshold: true
action: approve

However, automod keeps giving me an error message when I try to save, reading that a have an invalid value for the contributor_quality field. How can I get around this?

12:49 UTC


I guess I am Missing it

for two hours I have scoured the index. I cannot find how to correct this

body+title: [act.rootsaction.org, actblue.com, actionsumofus.org, activism.thenation.com, avaaz.org, change.org, chn.ge, credomobilize.com,

demandprogress.org, easypolls.net, go.berniesanders.com, gopetition.com, leftaction.com, moveon.org, petitions.whitehouse.gov, signon.org,

startjoin.com, strawpoll.me, takepart.com, thepetitionsite.com, watchdog.net]

action: remove

action_reason: "Petition [{{match}}]


08:59 UTC


Unfilter a post if a user edits it?

I moderate a subreddit that uses the ā€œbody_shorter_thanā€ automod rule. If a user submits a post that doesnā€™t meet the requirement, automod filters the posts & sends the user a message asking them to edit their post to add more body text. What Iā€™m looking for is a way to unfilter posts once users edit them to meet the requirement. Perhaps this could be done by having automod mark which posts were previously filtered via editing the postā€™s flair css class and combining that with the ā€œis_editedā€ rule? I donā€™t want automod to mistakenly approve posts that werenā€™t previously filtered, nor do I want it to erase the postā€™s original flair set by the author.

02:37 UTC


Is there really no way to get an instant notification on my iPhone when someone has commented anything in my subreddit?

I need the same kind of notification I get when someone has posted something. But for comments.

11:35 UTC


Crowd control out of control

It seems like there is a new auto mod called crowd control that removes posts based on...something. any information on how that mod works?

21:01 UTC


Requiring minimum comment karma in a sub to make a thread

Hey all,

Would you give an example of an automoderator rule that requires a user to have minimum comment in a sub to post a thread in that sub AND will tell a user what their comment karma in a sub is?

Happy Sunday

19:42 UTC


How does automod's Meta Drama Alert rule actually work?

Hello! I'd like to kindly ask for some assistance with setting up the Meta Drama Alert rule for automod.

From the automoderator wiki:

"Meta Drama Alert
Alert the moderators that content on their subreddit has been linked to from elsewhere on Reddit.
This rule takes advantage of the existence of /u/TotesMessenger, which detects links to other subreddits and comments to alert users that their content has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.
This rule requires that /u/TotesMessenger not be banned (or bot banned) from your subreddit.
If you don't want to remove the /u/TotesMessenger comment, remove the top-level action and action_reason lines."

My co-moderators and I have interpreted this to mean that we would be alerted via modmail should our subreddit be linked to elsewhere on Reddit with an "r/....". Is that actually what this rule does or did we misunderstand it? We'd like to set it up for that reason (to let us know where our subreddit is being linked), but haven't been able to successfully get it to work so far.

- u/TotesMessenger is an approved user on our sub

- what we have tried out is both of the rule setups suggested in the automoderator wiki under the Meta Drama Alert section, though sadly neither has worked.

Any help or input would be much appreciated! <3

17:21 UTC


Second Newb Question (guys, this must be a difficult job)

My apologies. Im going to attempt to post a jpeg here of what my automoderator page looks like. I am a visual learner when it comes to technical things. I will upload jpeg if this will allow. Not seeing it yet.

If I am correct, I am NOT actually looking at the Automoderator page am I? This is just the index?

This is where I got confused elsewhere, I'm trying not to make the same mistake again. Do I create a new page from the index page that I am on? or /config? If I use index as an automoderator, i am sure it will not work. Is that why the upper portion looks like a table of contents with links? Then the lower portion is a wreck, a hot mess?

I've taken the time to resize second image showing top part that appears like a Table of Context Links

What do I need to do from the index page? or from back at /config page?

I cannot attach a picture the tab atop this message I'm typing gives me a NO ENTRY circle in red

15:44 UTC


Is it Possible to require a Certain Post Flair to contain Image/ Link/ Video Submission

I have a post flair that is 'KathDen Sightings' which is news or sighting about the subject of our sub. I was hoping that such flairs must have an image, video, or link on them to ensure that the news or sighting is at least verified. I tried combine two command? Here's what I entered:


# Image/Video/ Link submission only for KathDen Sightings

~type+id: gallery submission

type: submission

~domain: ["i.redd.it"]

url: "/?f=flair_name%3A"KathDen%20Sightings"

set_flair: "KathDen Sightings"

action: remove

action_reason: "Post is not an image or gallery"

comment: "Your post was removed because we only allow image posts on this subreddit."

set_locked: true

Problem is it wont allow it. It says:
1). YAML parsing error in section 8: while parsing a block mapping in "<unicode string>", line 3, column 5: ~type+id: gallery submission ^ expected <block end>, but found '<scalar>' in "<unicode string>", line 9, column 29: url: "/?f=flair_name%3A"KathDen%20Sightings" ^

I wanted links to be allowed as well. I just want to know if this is even possible? Thank you

10:21 UTC


Another newb to automod

Please help with these specific entries in my automod: I need to know

  • Are these called, rules, entries, or what technically speaking
  • What is wrong with each? Syntax , indent? etc.
  • What did you need to do to make it right? Rephrase, indent, action, whole rule?

My goal is to not only get it right but to learn. Like, all of it. I want to be able to see the error immediately. I know not everyone would be able to that, but I'd like to try, plus I did not write my automod. Another person did and it didn't all work then either. I have these little errors all over my automod. These are only a few, so I have more to correct. No, this did not retain my indentations. Sigh...

EDITED to say indents weren't retained in my posting this. I have part of automod showing as "table of contents" part showing in "phrases"? I guess, and Im really getting frustrated when I really don't want to. I am trying to learn.

Removes direct YouTube links if the poster has under 40 comment mark

Editing note: If someone follows the rules but doesn't have 50 karma, add their username to the "name" section to whitelist them

type: link submission
domain: 'youtube.com'
comment_karma: < 40
is_gallery: false
action: filter
action_reason: "Low karma user"
comment: 'This post has been automatically removed. YouTube links are only allowed by users with at least 40 comment karma.'

#type: text submission
body_shorter_than: 100
action: filter
action_reason: body too short

#type: submission
name: [user1, user2, user3]
modmail_subject: Questionable Submitter
A user (/u/{{author}}) who previously submitted questionable content has submitted a new [post]({{permalink}}). Please review the post to
ensure it does not violate the rules.

type: any

  • body + title: ['discord.com', 'discord.gg', 'discord.me', 'discordapp.com', 'discordapp.net']

action: remove

type: any
reports: 2
action: filter
action_reason: removed for receiving 2 or more reports

type: submission
comment: |
Hello, {{author}}! Thanks for joining us and jumping right in!
It's alwys great to have more than one opinion, don't you
think? Be sure to check out our videos too and please add your thoughts!
comment_stickied : true

21:08 UTC


Can automoderator make more than one comments on a post submission, explaining the reasons why a post has been removed?


I do not have much experience with writing automod so any help is greatly appreciated šŸ™

When a post submission breaks multiple rules (example rules 1 and 2), automod will remove the post and comment that user broke rule 1 (usually the first rule in the automod script). How do I make automod comment to the user that they broke rules 1 and 2? The problem is, the user will read and fix their post to comply with rule 1, only to have their second post removed for not complying with rule 2.

These are the codes:

Rule: Submissions must be longer than 140 characters.

type: submission  
body_shorter_than: 140
action: remove  
action_reason: "short submission (Under 140 Characters)"
comment: |-
    Hi /u/{{author}}, your post has been removed because it breaches Rule #13 of /r/{{subreddit}}. "The body of your post must contain at least 140 characters.
comment_stickied: true
comment_locked: true

Remove titles without age

type: submission
~title (includes, regex): '([{\[\(]?(1[89]|[2-9][0-9])[}\]\)]?)|(Meta)'
action: filter
comment: |-
    Your post has been removed because it breaches Rule #10 of /r/{{subreddit}} "Your post title must contain your age(s) and R4R format, providing a basic outline of who you are and what you are seeking. i.e. 30M4F , 25F4F, 34MF4M etc. For discussion posts, please use [Meta] in the title."
comment_stickied: true
comment_locked: true
12:06 UTC


Specific Title Format Requirement

Hi friendly internet people! I want to create some rules for titles, but regex makes my brain hurt so hoping someone can help!

Basically I want all posts to follow this required format for titles: "[Age] ā€“ #Location ā€“ Details" which could look like "[30] ā€“ #NYC ā€“ Friend for Coffee" but can't for the life of me figure it out.

I'd be very grateful if someone could assist! Thank you thank you!

20:37 UTC


I need help setting up auto moderator

I'm relatively literate when it comes to most things but setting up auto moderator has me totally lost for some reason. I have a group of only about 3500 members but I want to try doing away with the spammers. Can anyone help me with setting up some auto rules?

16:58 UTC


I need to filter people with low comment karma when they post links, but still allow them to post images and leave comments. Is this doable?

I've noticed a lot of subreddits get overrun by bot-like behavior from accounts with a lot of Post karma but little Comment karma that spam the sub with links to whatever crap they're pushing.

I'd like to prevent that behavior automatically, while still being able to encourage new users to engage in the discussion.

If I could put link posts from low comment karma users on hold pending Mod approval, but still allow new users to post their jokes and memes and engage with the comments, that'd be great!

09:34 UTC


Any helpful trick that could make an automod generated sticky comment shown by default to the users?

At present time such sticky comments are collapsed by default. Which is totally counter productive since the goal of Automod comments is to make sure users read them before they actually start to comment. I highly doubt users have the curiosity to tap the sticky comments in order to read them. Totally frustrating on the Admin side. Because non sticky comments are pushed at the bottom once people start to comment which makes them almost invisible to new commenters.

09:06 UTC

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